I watch too much television ( Revised )

I admit I spend ( waste ) an inordinate amount of time watching the Boob Tube; the Vast Wasteland. Most of my time is spent viewing AMC. I find older movies one hell of a lot more artistic and entertaining than the newer ones. They have plots, dialogue and real special effects. Not the green screen computer generated oddities so prevalent today.

I also dig history. And sometimes the History Channel actually shows some actual and factual programs. They also broadcast Ancient Aliens. How and why I got sucked into this particular vortex of scientific inquiry and its cast of academics and scholars I have no idea. All I can say is that I find it fascinating.

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For those unfamiliar with the topic it appears to be primarily based upon the work of Erich Von Daniken. He’s the guy who wrote the book ” Chariot of the Gods“; among others. His whole premise is that all the Gods worshiped by humans were actually space travelers. I first heard of him in 1971. I ended up reading all his books. I found them both intriguing and thought-provoking. The man did quite a bit of research and had a bunch of swell pictures. But; ain’t there always a but, he and others offer no actual proof. Their main piece of evidence is the contention that all the great structures of antiquity could not have been built by ancient humans because, well, they are ancient humans. Well that seems to be a rather circular sort of reasoning. If you a priori agree with the premise of course you will believe the premise. I think us modern humans just need to accept the fact that our ancient family just knew how to do something we don’t. Given our crazy history it is not too surprising that we have lost a bunch of knowledge. Frankly I think it is compelling to imagine that space mariners visited us 1000’s of years ago and even took an active role in our development. Through DNA manipulation etc. However I find it equally beguiling that there is an ancient skill or bit of lore that we have, as a race, forgotten. As a matter of fact I would think the later would be a hell of a lot easier to rediscover than the former. AND more fun.

ancient aliens